Vice Chancellor's Message - MSSU

Vice Chancellor’s Message

Vice Chancellor's message Prof(Dr.) Apoorva Palkar

I am honoured and privileged to lead Maharashtra State Skills University as its Founding Vice Chancellor. The university stand on the Principles of making Education the pathway to make students confident by imparting appropriate skills and knowledge that is the need of the industry and Society at large. It is envisaged that the University shall nurture talent who can contribute responsibly to the future Society. While Skills and Knowledge imparting remains the core focus for the University the educational Goal is to create persons of high moral and ethics. As stated by Swami Vivekananda “We want the education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet” MSSU shall strive to create empowered youth who shall be provided hands on skilling, foundation skilling, upskilling , reskilling and building future skills acumen at all levels with multiple entry and exit options.

Our graduates shall have the opportunity to develop entrepreneurial mindset ,they shall become collaborative and have global outlook through pedagogical frameworks developed in class room, skilling, On the Job Trainings and work experiences predefined for each course as per the need. Innovations and developing scalable start-ups at the state level shall be our key enabler for those who join the University with mandate to be entrepreneurial. Our Focus shall remain to be a University that shall scale up employability both by way of developing job seekers and job givers. Our core belief is सर्वं संभाव्यते त्वयि meaning “Everything is possible”.

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