Maharashtra State Skills University Postgraduate Aptitude Test (MPET) for MBA Programs

The Maharashtra State Skills University (MSSU) conducts the MSSU Postgraduate Aptitude Test (MPET) as an entrance examination for aspiring candidates seeking admission to its esteemed Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs. MPET is a comprehensive evaluation designed to assess the candidates’ aptitude in key areas of quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning, and verbal reasoning. The test aims to identify candidates with the potential to excel in the challenging and dynamic field of business management.

Test Structure

The MPET for MBA programs is a computer-based test with a duration of 60 minutes. The exam consists of three sections, each focusing on specific skills required for success in the MBA program. The three sections are as follows:

Quantitative Aptitude (20 questions): This section evaluates the candidates’ mathematical and analytical abilities. Questions in this segment will cover various topics, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, data interpretation, and mathematical reasoning.

Logical Reasoning (20 questions): The logical reasoning section assesses the candidates’ ability to analyze and interpret information logically. It includes questions related to critical thinking, deductive reasoning, pattern recognition, and syllogisms.

Verbal Reasoning (20 questions): This section aims to evaluate the candidates’ proficiency in the English language and verbal comprehension skills. It comprises questions on reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and verbal analogies.

Scoring System

Each question in the MPET carries 2 marks, resulting in a total of 40 marks for each section and 120 marks in total for the entire examination. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers. The candidates’ performance in the MPET will be used to determine their suitability for the MBA programs offered by Maharashtra State Skills University.

MPET Timetable
Registration Starts: 27th July 2023
Last Date of Registration: 3rd August 2023
Exam Date: 5th August 2023
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